Acquiring Quality Assets in Solid Performing Markets

Texas Focused

Vertically Integrated to Deliver Exceptional Results

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Discover Our Difference

Since 2010, Trace Acquisitions has been investing in multifamily properties. Through syndications, we offer other investors the opportunity to grow their wealth by investing with us. Being vertically integrated allows us the ability to closely manage all aspects of acquiring and operating the apartment communities we purchase. We are mindful of our fiduciary responsibility to our partners to handle their investments carefully, while responsibly taking care of our residents’ homes and needs.

Trace. Your Path Forward.

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Trace Acquisitions offers our investor partners the opportunity to own quality multifamily assets in markets across Texas. As your investment partner, Trace Acquisitions will:
Along with our closely held company, Trace Property Management, we are part of a vertically integrated team. This close relationship allows us to deliver exceptional results to our partners. After the transaction closes, we move from acquisition of the asset to being the asset manager, working in close association with our property management team.


Total Units


Total Transactions


Current AUM


Full Cycle Units/Properties